
How To Secure PRC Stateboard Verification

for Filipinos while in the United States

Professional License Verification

18 August 2024 (updated)

prc stateboard verification slip - apostille pinoy

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) license is an essential document for professionals in the Philippines. For Filipinos relocating to the United States or those seeking professional opportunities overseas, especially in the nursing field, verifying your PRC license is a crucial step. It not only affirms your professional qualifications but also ensures that your credentials meet the stringent criteria set by institutions and boards in the United States.

In our previous article, we have guided you on how to verify PRC (RN) License through the PRC online verification platform, which you can personally do even when you are already outside the Philippines.

If, on the other hand, you are Filipino citizen already living in the United States, and needs a Stateboard Verification from the PRC and submit it to the Board of Nursing, this guide is for you.

What is the purpose of Stateboard License Verification?

PRC Stateboard License Verification confirms the credentials and licenses of Filipino professionals’ in various fields in the Philippines. The government agency that carries this out is the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). This process focuses on confirming the credentials and licenses of Filipino professionals, ensuring that they meet the necessary qualifications and are authorized to practice their respective professions within the country. The verification process typically includes checking licenses, ratings, and other pertinent details.

The primary objective of this verification is to protect public welfare and maintain the integrity and reputation of licensed professions. By verifying licenses, the PRC helps prevent fraudulent activities by unqualified individuals posing as legitimate professionals, bolstering the consumer trust and upholding high ethical standards across all professional sectors. This verification process furthermore supports legal compliance, aids in professional mobility, and enhances transparency in professional engagements.

Who requests license verification?

Part of the process should a licensed professional, such as a Filipino Registered Nurse, desires to practice in another country, the governing agency such as the Board of Registered Nursing (BRN), requests the nurse professionals to verify his or her nursing license in the Philippines.

What are the required documents for Stateboard Verification?

Below are the documentary requirements you need for you to be able to process the Stateboard Verification while in the United States:

  1. Authorization Letter (if your relative or authorized personnel is a PRC-licensee); or Special Power of Attorney (SPA)
  2. Request for Validation of Licensure (VOL) from the CGFNS (Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools) or State Board of Nursing, whichever is appropriate
  3. Duly accomplished Stateboard Verification Slip (SBVS) form issued by the PRC
  4. Photocopy of your valid PRC License with three (3) signature specimen
  5. Photocopy of valid Philippine Passport with three (3) signature specimen
  6. Photocopy of your Transcript of Records (TOR)
  7. If abroad, a Certificate of Employment (COE) or Permanent Residency Permit
  8. Certificate of Registration (Lupon)
  9. Certificate of Rating
  10. Valid ID of the authorized person to transact on your behalf
  11. PRC Online Appointment Form

What is the process for the Stateboard Verification before the PRC?

Below are the step-by-step process for processing the Stateboard Verification before the PRC:

Step #1. Complete the Request for Validation (VOL) from the CGFNS or the required form issued by the appropriate State Board of Nursing, and the Stateboard Verification Slip from the PRC.

Verification of License
prc stateboard verification slip - apostille pinoy

Step #2. Go to, which is the Professional Regulation Commission’s (PRC) official website, and sign-in or register (if you do not have an account yet) to your account in the Licensure Examination & Registration Information System (LERIS).

prc stateboard verification

Once signed-in, do the following to accomplish your Stateboard Verification Slip (SBVS):

  • Select "Transaction".
  • Go to "Certifications" Tab.
  • Select the "State Board Verification" in the drop down menu.
  • Enter your "Profession," "Quantity (No. of SBV to be applied for)", and PRC "License Number".
  • Select preferred PRC Regional Office (PRC Manila), and click "Proceed".
  • Complete the transaction by choosing the desired "Payment Option".
  • After payment, select "Existing Transaction" and "Print Document".

You may also need to request for a "Certificate of Rating/Passing" which needs to be submitted alongside the request for Stateboard Verification.

Step #3. Prepare your Authorization Letter or Special Power of Attorney (SPA) granting permission to another person to process your Stateboard Verification before the PRC.

If you are currently abroad, you may need to have your Special Power of Attorney (SPA) apostille before the proper Philippine Embassy/Consulate or Secretary of State.

Apostille Pinoy: Your Go-to-Partner, is here to assist and ensure that your

PRC Stateboard Verification is verified seamlessly!

Step #4. Photocopy your valid PRC License and Philippine Passport, and ensure that it is still valid and not expired. The copies of your Philippine IDs must be printed in separate sheets and contain three (3) signature specimen.

If your PRC License is already expired, you will have to renew it before you can proceed with the request for Stateboard Verification. Apostille Pinoy also assist in renewing your Professional Identification Card (PIC).

If you are no longer a Filipino citizen, the PRC will issue a Certification (Confirmation of Profession) instead of a Stateboard Verification. You will need to submit a copy of your foreign Passport.

Step #5. Prepare a photocopy your Transcript of School Records (TOR). Ensure that the copy is clear.

Step #6. Transmit all the documents mentioned in documents #s 1 to #11 above, to your authorized personnel, who will process the Stateboard Verification on your behalf, in the Philippines.

Pursuant to PRC's latest Memorandum issued on 9 July 2024, your Authorization Letter or Special Power of Attorney (SPA) granting permission to another person to process your Stateboard Verification is required to be submitted in its original form.

Step #7. Once your authorized personnel received the documents, your authorized representative will proceed to the "Stateboard Verification" window inside the PRC building in-person.

Step #8. Pay the certification/processing fee at the Cashier.

Step #9. Pay the Documentary Stamp.

Step #10. Pay the Courier Service Fee. You may chose to have your Stateboard Verification mailed directly to the Board of Nursing either thru International Express Mail Service (IEMS) or thru private Courier such as FedEx or DHL. If the Board of Nursing requires you to have the Stateboard Verification electronically mailed to them by the PRC, you need to include a Request Letter advising the PRC to do so.

Step #11. Your Stateboard Verification Slip, together with the rest of the documents as mentioned above, will be submitted at the Stateboard Verification Window.

The mailing of the Stateboard Verification is strictly an Office-to-Office transaction. So, it is only the PRC that is authorized to submit the Stateboard Verification directly to your Board of Nursing. As for the Certification (Confirmation of Profession), you may have your authorized representative mail this directly to your Board of Nursing.

How long is the processing of the Stateboard Verification request?

The processing of the Stateboard Verification by the PRC would take around twenty-one (21) days, before the PRC will mail the documents to the Board of Nursing.

You may track the delivery of your Stateboard Verification through the courier's tracking system.

How can Apostille Pinoy assist me with my PRC Stateboard License Verification request?

Apostille Pinoy specializes in providing PRC stateboard license verification services to Filipino professionals residing or working abroad. We simplify the process of documentation needs for our Filipino professionals, ensuring they meet international employment standards hassle-free, and within the reach of their finger tips.

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